Monday 21 May 2018

Stowe Gardens

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. Today I have a little bonus post for you all. As the weather has been lovely and sunny here in England lately; I have been making the most out of it and recently went to Stowe gardens for the day. I went with my boyfriend and we spent the day exploring and walking the grounds. We also had a lovely picnic down by the lake and enjoyed looking at all the old monuments and structures. As I took so many pictures on my adventure I thought I would use them to create a blog post to show you all. I would definitely recommend taking a trip to Stowe if you live near as it's such a beautiful place and a huge area to explore and walk around. You can also go inside the house for a fee, however we just stuck to the grounds instead. I hope you enjoy this post and stay tuned for an OOTD #13 post on Wednesday to see what I wore on the day. Enjoy...

So that's all the photos I took on my little adventure to Stowe Gardens. I hope you enjoyed looking at all the amazing scenery and monuments that they have there. Again I would definitely recommend taking a trip for the day to explore and walk around. Don't forget to stay tuned till Wednesday for an OOTD post and if you want to read about different fashion topics then make sure you head back to my blog every Friday for those. I hope to see you back here again soon...

Emma Victoria


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